
Welcome to the class blog for ENGL 206-012. Here we interpret 400 years of literature with our 21st century minds and tools. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Guernica, 1937, Picasso


  1. Is this just my morbid obsession or does this look the inside of a mass grave? It would be fitting for the time... It is a little twisted but I guess if you really think about it, humans aren't the only casualties of war.

  2. Hey Ashlee--I don't think that it would be crazy to think of this as the inside of a mass grave. The body parts strewn around certainly look like the distorted and twisted limbs of the people who were thrown into the graves at the concentration camps. The cow-like image (top left) reminds me of cows gone to slaughter, which is reminiscent of the way that people were killed in mass during the Holocaust. The other interpretation of the animal could be the massive amount of killing that occurred on the battlefield, with the different animals being representatives of different countries. The broken sword (bottom middle) makes this interpretation plausible.

  3. There's a lot going on in this piece. What stounds out to me the most is the faces all distorted like. Also there are body parts everywhere and I kinda have to agree that this reminds me of a mass grave. All the faces seem lifeless and I feel like when people die in movies their mouths always have to be open when they die oh so dramatically. That's what comes to my mind when I see these faces with their open mouths in this piece. I wasn't aware of this piece by Picasso, maybe because its kind of morbid to look at and doesn't really bring me any sense of happiness. Who knows what to make from this piece, but in my opinion its depressing to look at.
