
Welcome to the class blog for ENGL 206-012. Here we interpret 400 years of literature with our 21st century minds and tools. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My home girl J.Eyre

I think we can all agree that the idea of reading Jane Eyre was a daunting task for many of us. I know that I wanted to put it off for as long as possible just because I couldn't imagine how I could enjoy anything that seemed so long and boring. I was surprised that after getting through the first few chapters of introductory material, I really got hooked!

Jane leads a pretty tough life, but turns out to be someone that I was rooting for. At the very beginning of the story, she is already orphaned and living under the roof of her evil aunt and cousins that constantly tease her and pick fights with her. She doesn't dress as nicely as they do but she is still expected to live up to the standards of the time in terms of pose and manners. Jane pretty much = Cinderella. She wants to be equal in terms of social hierarchy but keeps being oppressed by those around her. She has lived alone her entire life, metaphorically because no where has she ever lived has she felt at home. Despite this, she is level-headed, and good natured and has a sense about her. I enjoyed her demeanor and the fact that she almost never loses her temper. I know that this is a pretty unrealistic idea for me because whenever I get upset or frustrated, I let the whole world know about it!! I thought the way that Jane simply makes a mental check of things and lets Mr. Rochester chase after her instead of exploding in his face. While reading, I kept admiring how put together she seemed even with all the obstacles in her way.

Another thing I really loved was the fact that Jane was the central character the entire time. It is so refreshing to read about a dominant female character for once who isn't a prostitute or completely submissive. Yes, she has to keep her mouth shut at times, but I think she ultimately embodies a powerful, selfless woman who knows exactly what she wants and when things don't go her way, she doesn't fall apart in a dramatic way like we have seen other female figures in literature do thus far. She also isn't obsessed with her appearance or reputation as she doesn't really have one to begin with. She has to work her way up the social ladder on her own to reach her goal of becoming equal to those around her. LOVE DIS GIRL

I really wanted to see the movie so I watched it and the scene that I attached below was my absolute favorite throughout the entire movie! It really speaks to what I was talking about with the way that Jane handles herself and how impressive and eloquent she is in her speech. Watch the movie after you are done reading because it is just as good!! I seriously loved both the book and the movie!


-Megan Harpel

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